2 months
until big things will happen!
Sporty spice
Btown -
back to Brighton in September. back to hating that place & back to a messy messy lifestyle. But I can´t stand Sweden & Swedish people anymore. Will miss my cats, unicorns & family tho.
Rainy Rainy Gothenburg \\
Downsized ears from 30mm to 12mm & put a 10mm in my broken ear. Still waiting for a letter from my doctor so I can have them sewn up
funny hair
Wishes \\
Today.. was not a very good day. I miss 2 years ago when I had fun & I saw my friends & I miss Julia & London and everything (& I miss Kai & Beautiful Brighton)
do you remember when we drank coffe in a glass with sugar and I didnt´t like coffe but then I started to. Do you remeber when we had a snowball fight and your trousers ripped? Do you remeber when I made crepes with preserve? Do you remeber when we had hour long conversations in the evenings while you made me food? Do you remeber when you texted me in the middle of the night from a bar in Shoreditch listening to "dark side of the moon" with you friend? Do you remember taking me there? Do you rember when we walked around Brick Lane all day to find some bar but it turned out the bar was a bit odd (and we noticed it was now a very very gay bar) and I had a coffe and you had a Guiness? Do you remember when we walked around Spitafields in the snowy evening ? Do you remember that autumn day with me standing on that staircase to the amazingly mouldy house in picadilly circus and you said I looked like I belonged there? I miss all of it
Todays wants //
A weekend in London & this. Any takers on a weekend in London in September maybe?