New \\

New job - Bartender in Hard Rock Cafe in Gothenburg, New jeans - H&M 99SEK (9.90£), New tee - Gina Tricot 100SEK (10£)


Favourite. Ever. Reminds me of my best shifts at work & endless supplies. It is like living black&white, three months ago and now- going from seeing hundreds of my "friends" ever week to barely seeing one. Going from every day promise to never have a session again to feel the rush making you the happiest you have ever been and you always want this again. Ever time you say it is the last and every day is another blur and cabs home at 7am. I miss it and I don't miss it. People say you get addicted to things but you don't, it's a matter of wanting a million different things at once but choosing the easy way out of enjoying your dull life. Take this and your magically more amazing life and dreams bigger than your head will start and it will be a never ending process until you wake up to a rainy day and a feeling of waste. This will take you to the top of the world and further down in nothingness than you have ever been. A constant flow will give you an illusion of everything you could ever want and more and it will make you live your life in an unbreakable bubble so thin that one day it will break and your days on top is not even a memory you have and you realise that everyone around you have gotten to a place you never been.

Luch time \\

Lunch time wake ups are probably my favourite.


Gothenburg skyline & the sound of drunk excited happy graduated studens in the evening cold. Naive adventures are ahead of them and I am too excited of what I have done but more so about what's to come. Altho I never really appreciate what I have until I´m somewhere else doing something else. I think life is about the chase of a constantly changing dream. One day you will end up thinking that you had everything you could ever wish for but you got so caugh up in the chase that you lost it all.

/ coma adventures

London/Sweden/Brighton based. Love Tea Milk & Honey, architecture, fake boobs & animal rights. Currently located in Gothenburg with my english boyfriends. haaaha kanske inte med s på slutet där
Så är det altså, jag skaffar en blogg & kommer om 3 månader att vara sveriges största bloggare (troligtvis världens) eller så skriver jag i bloggen varje dag om mina filosofier och så läser Julia det!

& here's a picture of me from Brighton from the neverending party sessions at work and breakfast before sleep at 9 in the morning. Brighton was a miscevious place with as many memories as black-outs and sometime you don't have to drink to be in a coma. Sometimes you just are and it might be because things are not working out the way you want them to or because a friend hits you in the face or because of a "either you take the dog or im having him put down" from a complete stranger outside your door (and you are not allowed to have dogs in your flat and you know this even tho you didn't actually read the contract but who does?) This picture is also taken in a room wich I did not really live in, or maybe I did because who says that home is a flat as central as you can get with beautiful windows and furniture all in black but if you got the choice to instead take the bus and fall alseep in someones arms (someone will probably get a face soon as I might have the energy to write in my new "blog" every day and might not if I decide not to.) I think you will make the effort and aslo call this second home your real home. Sometimes living in a suitcase is all joy and sometimes it makes you turn into someone you don't want to be. I have had some of my best sleepless weekends of my life and some of my worst days hibernating in darkness. Det är svårt att inte skriva tusen ord om vad som pågår i mitt huvud ågra att man inte har skrivit mer om livet och vad som varit men ibland är det kanske bäst att låta bli det förgångna och tänka på morgondagen men man glömmer lätt känslor man haft och att uppskatta vad man har tills man förlorar det eller tillskänslor har brutits ned och du kan snart inte ens komma ihåg vad du gjorde för åtta månader sedan eller ens vad du åt till frukost igår.

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